Shotgun is a great idea. Shooting training with shotgun is a excellent way to improve your game.
Our News
Two good friends… Ernie and Marko, two very good friends working very hard with Coach during the off season. This is a great example for younger team mates.
Never say never… This summer Marko worked so hard on his jumping. In the end his hard work was awarded. Good for you mate.
Navasartian Games – Melbourne 2016 After five days of games, it is now time to Party. Let the partying begin!!!!
Last week I had the privilege to coach teams at the Navasar Games in Melbourne for 5 days. Thanks to the management of the Navasar parents and players, I received an experience which will stay with me for a very long time. One more time, a big thank you to you all.
Delije student, Ernest Docker, improving his skills with one on one training sessions with Coach Misha.
The girls on the floor exhausted after a another hard training session. They just dropped to the floor after coach advised them training was finished. Boys seemed to have had the same thoughts.
Congratulations to Marko Putica who made The King’s School Firsts Team. Marko with coaching staff of The King’s School. A friendly game at school, students versus coaches. The Headmaster of the The King’s School, Dr Timothy Hawkes and Marko. We would also like to say good luck to Marko and the boys from the King’s…
Well when you get a new pair off basketball shoes, you should show them off to everyone. So, Marko Krsticevic is doing exactly that. Good luck to you young man.